Last weekend of September (Sept. 29 & 30)
Holiday Inn Rancho Bernardo 17065 W. Bernardo Dr. San Diego, CA 92127 Front desk: 1-858-485-6530 1-800-315-2621
When you call, they may not know about the special $99 HHC 2007 rate, but you will still get it.
The Holiday Inn is one of the few hotels in the area that has a restaurant within walking distance, right next to (South of) the Holiday Inn:
Elephant Bar Restaurant Rancho Bernardo, CA 17051 W. Bernardo Drive (858) 487-7181
The recommended shuttle is called Cloud 9 Shuttle. Use the airport phones to arrange for pick up.
The area around HP is commercial and there are few stores within walking distance. There will be several local people with cars so there is little need to rent a car.
Additional details regarding Dinner on Saturday, etc. will be posted as the decisions are made. Breakfast is included with your room. Richard Nelson has had it, and he describes it as “buffet style, quite adequate and hearty.”