
Hover your mouse over a state to see its nickname and motto.
  Name (A–Z)  From    Presentation Topic(s)    
 1.Brad BartonIN
 2.Den BelilloCA
 3.Bill ButlerCanada
 4.Thomas ChrapkiewiczMI
 5.Sylvain CoteCanada
 6.Felix Gross  Germany  
 7.Roger HillIL
 8.Joseph HornCA
 9.Jim JohnsonIN    FRITZING, CHINA and the NP25
 10.Thomas KlineIA
 11.Art LitkaFL
 12.Peter MarschallOK
 13.Daniel McDonaldVT
 14.Włodek Mier-Jędrzejowicz    England      Prime Savage
 15.John MohnWA
 16.Richard NelsonAZ1. The HP-41 Lives On
2. New MS Project
 17.Bob PattonTX
 18.Cam PattonTX
 19.Robert ProsperiNY    Intro to FRAM71 plus Misc. Virtual HP-IL Updates
 20.Geoff QuickfallCanada    Woodstocks in the Twenty First Century
 21.Eric RechlinTX
 22.Günter SchinkGermany
 23.Torben SchinkGermany
 24.Jake SchwartzNJ    The WP-43S: A Spec in Need of a Platform
 25.Richard SchwartzCA
 26.Namir ShammasVA
1. Genetic Algorithm Optimization Using the HP Prime
2. Particle Swarm Optimization Using the HP Prime
3. Random Number Generation using Array Shuffling on the HP Prime
 27.Eric SmithCO    The Glacial Pace of Scaled Reptiles
 28.Stephen ThomasFL
 29.Jeff TurnerOH
 30.Brian WalshIL
 31.Tim WessmanHP-CO    TBA
 32.Jackie WolderingOH    A Numeric Compression Algorithm for the HP-Prime
 33.Mary WolderingOH    Children of Stone
 34.Thom WolderingOH
 35.Gene WrightTN1. HP 41CL Update
2. TI 58/59 Fast Mode History