Name (A–Z) NOAA Presentation Title 1. Kiyoshi Akima 2. Pavneet Arora 3. Don Asmus 4. Bruce Bergman 5. Steve Brenton 6. Jefferson Bronfeld 7. Bill Butler 8. John Cadick 9. Gary Cain 10. Thomas Chrapkiewicz 11. Jesse Dodd 12. Felix Gross 13. Virgil Hancher 14. David Hayden “HPObjects: A Comprehensive Library for Accessing Calculator Objects in C code with HPGCC” 15. Roger Hill 16. Joseph Horn 17. Thomas Kline 18. Vern Lindsay 19. Lora Marschall 20. Peter Marschall 21. Włodek Mier-Jędrzejowicz (To be determined) 22. Richard Nelson “How Important Is Consistency in the Calculator Market?” 23. Bob Patton 24. Peter Platzer 25. Geoff Quickfall 26. J.C. Randerson 27. Eric Rechlin 28. Mark Ringrose 29. Gerry Schultz 30. Jake Schwartz “Might A Tablet Be the Ideal Platform/UI for a Highly Complex Calculator?” 31. Richard Schwartz 32. Eric Smith “New Classics, Part n+1” 33. Jeremy Smith 34. T. Jason Smith “Professional Exam Testing Calculator Requirements” 35. Patrice Torchet 36. Jeff Turner 37. Katie Wessman 38. Tim Wessman “Random Musings on Nothing of Interest” 39. Paul Whyman 40. Joerg Woerner 41. Gene Wright 42. David Young 43. Bertram Zinner